Thursday 16 December 2010

John Herrick Reviews my new album

John Herrick is a new author with an exceptional debut novel, "From The Dead" which is hands down my favourite book of the year ( I was given the pleasure and privilege of reviewing the book back in the summer, and you can see what I thought of it here ( Hint, I liked it...

Anyway, time went by, and John and I got into intermittent communication via email. I sent him my new record Heart Strings, and he wrote back with the following beautiful words about it. I am touched and honoured that somoene "got it" - here they are!


Some of the most intriguing modern worship music has come from Great Britain. You can add Heart Strings, the new album from Haydon Spenceley, to that list.

Heart Strings’s title reflects the album’s focus: man to God, God to man. In each track, Spenceley’s lyrics delve past man’s artificial layers and offer a glimpse into the love and longing of a relationship with the Lord.

Spenceley takes an experimental approach, infusing chilling vocals with rich layers of electronic instrumentation. Picture the intersection of Coldplay and Owl City. From the subdued passion of “Crying” to the fiery, guitar-driven chorus of “Save My Day,” Heart Strings is the sort of album that reveals fresh nuances with repeated listens.

Spenceley takes his time. He releases short lyrical bursts from the depths of his soul, then allows those words to soak into his listeners as the instrumentation washes over them. For me, it struck images of a man floating in the middle of the Atlantic at midnight, with nowhere to focus but heavenward. It contains the intimacy and desperation of a heart that craves God.

Among the album’s highlights:

“Life in Me” contrasts man’s limitations with God’s infinite grace. The song’s honesty puts a bittersweet ache in your heart.

Spenceley takes an intriguing turn with “Crying,” a thought-provoking commentary on discord that can occur between branches of Christianity—as seen through the eyes of God Himself.

But I must say, Heart Strings’s gem is found in its title track, where an upbeat bounce climaxes with an irresistible chorus.

Heartfelt. Genuine. Stirring. Without apology, Haydon Spenceley’s Heart Strings cuts to the core of human existence and exposes the beauty of man’s desperation for the Savior.