Thursday 6 December 2012

Albums of the Year 2012

It's been a great year for music. In trying together all my favourite releases of the year into one place I've been bowled over (as well as concerned not to miss anything important, sorry if I have!).

I'm not too fussy about when these records came out. For me it's all about compiling a list, a document of the albums which have moved me the most this year. Here they are.

I'd recommend checking out any of these if you haven't already. I'd post links and video etc to all the albums, but I just don't have time! Mostly this is in no particular order, except to say that the top 8 or so have really blown my mind, for a wide variety of reasons. No collection is complete without them.

Special mention to the Neil Cowley Trio album - I have no idea how these guys aren't ginormous (they would be if I had anything to do with it) but it does seem like things are finally starting to move for them, so be sure not to miss this amazing record.

There are so many fantastic albums here that I haven't written about them all. I have very reduced time these days. Trust me though!

Neil Cowley Trio - The Face of Mount Molehill
Karima Francis - The Remedy
Old Wives - Tidal Tales
Luke Sital-Singh - Fail For You EP
Ryan Stubbs - The Waking Cardinal
The Staves - Dead & Born & Grown
Lovedrug - Wild Blood
Matt Chamberlain, Viktor Krauss and Dan Phelps - Modular
Glissando - The World Without Us
Gareth Davies, Leo Fabriek, Thomas Cruijsen - Mere
Owen Thomas - Languages (Or: Get Dark & Find Yourself)
Ghosting Season - The Very Last of the Saints
T E Morris - We Were Animals
Sons - Keep Quiet
Fink - Wheels Turn Beneath My Feet
JT Daly - Memory
Sucre - A Minor Bird
Jason Aaron Coons - The Numbers
Paper Route - The Peace of Wild Things
Gungor - A Creation Liturgy (Live)
Get the Blessing - OCDC
Ormonde - Machine
Milo Greene - Milo Greene
Our Lady Peace - Curve
3 Car Pile-Up - Find Love

Happy Christmas!